Hypnosis For Children
A happy child is an empowered child
Hypnosis and positive parenting. It's a more natural combination than it might seem at first glance.
Children are smart, but adults often underestimate them. They can easily get overwhelmed by the world around them and take on more than what's good for them. We know that children face many challenges in their lives, such as issues at school or being constantly told what they can’t do!
Virtual hypnosis for children is the perfect solution for families who want to maximize their children's potential without sacrificing their own quality of life.
Hypnosis for Children combines the power of hypnosis with support to help establish healthy coping mechanisms in a child's life and develop skills for handling stress and building resilience.
What issues can be helped by Hypnosis for Children?
Some of the issues that Hypnosis for Children can support your children with are:
- Appropriate behaviour
- Coping skills
- Self-esteem and self-confidence
- Effective communication skills
- Conflict resolution skills
- Anxiety
- Stress management
- Social Skills
- Sleep management
- Weight and food issues
- Any everyday issue that the child needs support with
Watch the video of Sainoor's Interview by Dr. L - The Parent Whisperer

The many benefits of Hypnosis For Children:
- Better self-regard and self-esteem
- Improved relationships with others
- More independence
- Greater success in school and life
- Make better decisions
- Improve their focus
- Support them as they tap into their potential
- Much more…Remember a happy child is an empowered child
Hypnosis For Children – combining the power of hypnosis with coaching - helps children, by providing an environment in which they can be supported in working through issues and challenges. It also offers parents the opportunity to be a part of their child's journey, even if it's not happening in the home.
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Looking In: Being an Expat Tween
by Sainoor Premji
Looking In: Being an Expat Tween discusses the challenges faced by expatriate tweens ages 9 to 12 years old. It is designed as a self-help book. Each chapter discusses and expands on a topic, and provides exercises to help the tween gain a better understanding of who s/he is and how to deal with issues in a peaceful and empowering manner.
At the back of the book is a chapter titled “Deepen Your Knowledge,” which contains extra details for some of the topics discussed in various chapters. The chapter titled “How To …” offers quick tips on dealing with stress, parents, and projects.

Sainoor at TEDxTokyo Talk A Teacher's Balance In 2012, I was invited to speak at TedXTokyo Teachers. My talk is about balance and knowing that teachers are always imparting knowledge to their students, even with the subtleties of their body language. When a teacher is off balance, it is very easy for a student to tell. |
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