Why Not Give a Thought to ‘Thinking’
The picture on the left is from Oslo, Norway and the one on the right is from Tokyo, Japan
“You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be” – Marianne Williamson
Why is thought important?
Throughout the history of humanity, human beings have put an extraordinary amount of importance on ‘thinking’ and the ‘power of thought.’ Why is it so?
Is it because ‘thought’ is the only thing that separates us and puts us at the top echelon of existence? Is it because ‘thought’ is the only instrument by which man has dominated nature and his surroundings? Is it because ‘thought’ gave birth to our gods, goddesses, superheroes, saviors, and consciousness? Or, is it because through ‘thought’ we came to know about our senses – senses of guilt, fear, anxiety, sorrow, happiness, and envy?
The fact is, a thought is everything and it is everywhere. From the waving flag on the moon to living in the deepest depths of the oceans; from understanding the intricacies of the galaxy to using a grain of sand as an element of life; from communicating with each other to establishing virtual communication in the Metaverse; it is a ‘thought’ that came from a mind which created all these magnificent things.
So, it’s safe to say that whatever the human race has been able to achieve on this third planet from the sun, is because of their ability to ‘think’ and to conceive a ‘thought.’
According to many neuroscientists, we entertain as many as 50,000 thoughts each day and have at least 10,000 conversations, internally with ourselves. There are research papers that show that while we can read 200-400 words on average per minute, speak 150-200 words per minute, we think at a fascinating rate of 1,300-1,800 words per minute. This explains so much about the fact why our minds sometimes wander in the middle of a conversation, because we think non-stop.
If this blows your mind up, you need to seriously think about your thoughts.
All this scientific information about ‘thoughts’ tells us a simple thing; thinking is an incredible activity and the reality that we see today around us is nothing but the by product of a chain of thoughts!
Once we simplify this thought to its atoms what we get is a simple philosophy of life that has been told by many wise men and sages – there is no problem, until you think there is. There is no good or bad, but it’s your thinking which makes it. If you fix your thinking, you automatically fix your problems.
Thinking and the education System
This idea is crucial for everyone, especially the young people who are just starting to venture out on their own, to make their mark on the world. If you do not think properly and be mindful of your thoughts, you won’t be able to create, communicate, influence, impact, or even benefit yourself in this life.
Today, our education system has created a massive hindrance in encouraging young minds to utilize their power of thought by pushing them towards ‘MCQ or Multiple Choice Questions.’ This might encourage people to think quickly and act decisively, however, this method has thrown them on the edges of an antsy attention span.
What we have forgotten, is that, a simple thought has the power to create history, obliterate reality through war, heal humanity, hurt sentiments, lift somebody up or bring somebody down. At any point in time, a thought could either fuel a positive sentiment in you, could keep you stagnant for hours, or could completely sabotage your ambition and take you down south.
What you think, you become
Always remember that the construct of reality which you have around you today is a concoction of whatever good luck, bad luck, destiny, fortune, or misfortune – is nothing but all euphemisms for your own result of thinking.
‘What You Think, You Become’– is not just a popular saying, but has its roots deep into reality. If you think there is a problem, the problem will shine with all its complexity. If you think you are not the brightest or the smartest, you will continue to live in a shell that’s compromising and suffocating.
If your thoughts are confident and clear, you don’t need to act in haste but you will act with conviction and self-belief. You will be able to communicate your ideas, express your emotions, and influence people even from a distance because your mind is calm with clarity.
Until and unless you think properly, you won’t be able to communicate properly; for ‘words’ are the next most important thing in life after ‘thoughts.’
Because if ‘thoughts’ have shaped humanity, ‘words’ have given humanity its soul and form! Words can either be encouraging or discouraging; they can either be used constructively or used destructively. They can be used for soothing or to cause despair. Words are the tools that have the power to heal, help, humble, hurt, hinder, or humiliate.
If thoughts are your canvas, then words are the pictures on it. Just like thoughts, words have the potency to change people and lives.
As social animals, human beings need to communicate and this communication has been going on for ages using symbols, expressions, images, and now words, with comprehensible meaning. In order to have effective communication, you need to understand the inconsistencies, complexities, and the particularities that shape human behavior. Since, the behavior of a human is characterized by his/her thoughts, once again, we need to put emphasis on the business of thinking.
Whether it's communicating with somebody or trying to make a situation beneficial for oneself, if you do not think before you speak you will not say ‘anything’ but ‘something’ that has no importance or impact. if you simply think, you never know when in a moment some sincere words can create history or make a big impact on your life.
Power of Thinking
To understand, feel, and know what isn’t being said in a conversation and then carrying the communication along those lines of vulnerability is what makes a person a great communicator. And to have this skill, you need to invest in your ‘power of thinking.’
A good way to think first, is to take a deep breath – this allows you a chance to pause. Use this pause to think and consider what would be the right action to take. Then, take another breath and if that still feels right, carry out the desired action.
Hypnosis is a practical tool that can help you realize the silent power of a thought. With these tools on your side, you can walk your way through the paths of your thoughts and see for yourself why you think what you think.
If we know the whys and the whats, we can definitely work towards the hows in terms of, how you can channelize your thoughts, how you can turn that negative thought into your strength, and how you can eliminate that unnecessary thought from your past so that the necessary light of the present could penetrate in!
How Hypnosis helps
Hypnosis will give you the capability to work with your thoughts, mold them according to your will, and help you turn your thoughts into powerful weapons for fruitful life. Hypnosis cannot make you rich or make all your problems disappear with a magic wand. What it does, is that, it offers you the key to having a rich mind where only rich and positive thoughts dwell.
With the help of Hypnosis, you will be able to understand how a little tweak to your thought pattern can bring massive change to the words that come out from your mouth. After all, words are the attires of your thoughts and emotions; so they need to be clear rather than confusing.
With crystal clear thoughts and sharp and endearing vocabulary, the change that you will bring in your attitude and philosophy towards life will help you in every aspect – be it your relationships with others or your career.
"The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking." – Albert Einstein
Let the science of Hypnosis bring positive changes to the seeds of thoughts in your mind, so that the fruits they bear taste the sweetest, freshest, and juiciest.
If you would like to be a more positive thinker, but don’t know where to start....
Book a free HOW TO LEAD A FULLER AND LIGHTER LIFE STRATEGY SESSION so we can get you moving in the right direction. Just click on my calendar LINK and let’s book a time together so you can get started today!
Upcoming Event
Soothe Your Soul Meditation Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022 | 7–8 pm ET
Sainoor is offering free ‘Soothe your Soul ’ meditation sessions on the last Thursday of each month.
When: Last Thursday of each month ➡️ next one: Thursday, June 30th Time: 7 – 8 pm EST Where: Online, via Zoom
The session format will be:
- 10 min. discussion at the beginning
- 30 min. guided meditation
- allotted time for discussion and sharing at the end
To be part of this peaceful evening and save your spot, please register using this link. Or, you are welcome to email Sainoor by replying to this email and she will add you to the list...

Sainoor Premji B.Sc, M.Sc (Holistic Nutrition), RNCP, MHt, Master Hypnotist, Akashic Reader, Holistic Nutritionist, Montessori School Teacher.
Sainoor works with people stuck in fear mode, unable to sleep, focus or manage their weight, lead a Lighter and Fuller Life, filled with hope, focus and love of self, through hypnosis and nutritional consultation
An expert in mind-body-spirit connection, Sainoor has travelled widely on her journey through life- the feedback she received most often from her clients is how wonderful it feels to be free of fear, doubts, and yo-yo dieting; how they now live their lives with hope and lightness.
I feel guided into a positive and fulfilling future. I now know what I must do to get the most of life. Thank you... Kelsey
“Thank you for the wisdom and guidance. Sometimes we need words from a stranger to show us what we didn’t want to see ourselves.”- T.C.
“This was a life-changing session. I feel a sense of calm I have never felt before! Thank you for helping me to release the demon of fear!”- E.A.