Simple Movements for the Body are The Best Possible
Exercises for the Brain

What better reminder of the power & beauty of movement than the Olympics!
Knowing your body's signals
When we think of ourselves, our identity, and our ‘self,’ more often than not, we classify our existence into a few categories. Generally speaking, these categories include our physiological health, our mental well-being, our emotional state, how we feel, and so on and so forth.
The fundamental irony in this way of thinking, is that we divide our existence in a disoriented way. We think our body is a different entity, our mind is a malleable machine in itself, and our brain is the master controller of every aspect of our physiology.
In the real world though, this thought pattern is not reflected in how we live on this planet and go about our business. For example, when we get tired and our body refuses to function properly, we move from one place to another in a slow and sluggish manner. We neither feel excited nor do we feel enthusiastic when tiredness takes over.
Similarly, if we are anxious or in some state of panic, we tend to rush from point A to point B – whether it’s in our professional endeavors or if we are actually going places. On the other hand, anxiety and unmanageable stress can also make us feel paralyzed from within. During these times of mental toils and turbulence, we refuse to move, we feel stuck from within, and everything seems to be in a state of eternal numbness.
So clearly, our brain and body are well-connected in an organic manner. Impacting one, affects the latter and vice versa.
There have been many studies and research papers published all across the world that highlight the benefits of regular exercise for our body. The volume of information on this topic is so exorbitant, that it overshadows the positive impact of exercise or even simple day-to-day movements on our brains, and overall well-being.
Ways to cope with situations according to your person
Recently, many peer-reviewed studies have rightly concluded that, the relationship that our body shares with our brain is essentially a ‘two-way street’ and not a ‘one-way lane.’ This means that, whatever we do with our body impacts the functions of our brain and this includes simple, basic movements.
It’s no secret that regular exercise is great for our bodies. It boosts our physiological health, keeps us in shape, makes obesity and other ailments stay at bay, and releases the ‘happy chemical’ in our brain called ‘serotonin.’ This is why people feel ‘good’ when they exercise, they feel confident about their body, their self-esteem gets elevated, and ultimately it gives them an objective to work on their self-development goals.
However, do you know that just like these clear-cut benefits that exercise provides our body with, simply moving from one place to the other, taking a brief evening stroll, or even bodily movements associated with yoga and other meditative practices, hugely impact our mental health?
For example, when faced with a difficult decision or situation, many people prefer a quiet walk to de-clutter their minds. Again, how many times have you heard your colleague or friend telling you that, cycling for a mile works miraculously on bringing their stress levels down?
All these experiential phenomena have their roots deep-seated in the scientific structure of our existence.
Whether we are fighting obesity, mental anxieties, stress, or other physical and psychological disorders, today, every bit of positive change that we wish to bring to our lives, has a massive economical cost attached to it.
The impact that every little decision has on you
In this over-expensive environment, the only cost-effective lifestyle change that we can bring to our life is simply, lead an ‘active’ life that is full of ‘physical movements’. When our fast-driven corporate society demands that most of us sit in front of screens for a minimum of eight hours a day – trust me, this is the best tip that will help you in unlocking wonders in your life.
Just climb a fleet of stairs instead of taking the elevator when you step out of your house to go to work. Choose a 10-minute walk to your place or office instead of taking a cab. The next time you go to the store to get your groceries, take your cycle instead of your car, or park a little further than usual.
All these small decisions will have an enormous impact on the quality of your life. When you take a quiet walk, go on a cycling journey, or even take the stairs, you give time to your thoughts and most importantly, you spend some time with yourself. This immediately makes you a different person as this ‘active lifestyle’ takes off the shackles of your mind in terms of positive thoughts, flexible thinking, ‘out-of-the-box’ imagination, creativity, improved mood, motivation, and even the requirement of a peaceful night’s sleep.
Moreover, just like the individuals who are obsessed with the regular exercise routine and do not compromise on that front, you will bring a system of control over your life and over your decision-making. If the basic movement of walking or jogging refreshes you mentally and physically, no matter how packed your schedule is, you will always prioritize your ‘me time.’
Every action has a purpose
The best part is that, when you resort to leading an active life instead of a sedentary one, and you are just not obsessed with getting a muscular build through regular workout sessions, you can alleviate your mental stress, anxiety, and depression simply by walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, or performing any aerobic activity. It does not have to involve a rigorous and strict routine!
If you are into meditation practices, then your fine-tuned and coordinated body movements or even controlling your breath will allow you to feel your body’s subtle sensations. You will be aware of your ‘inner-self,’ your consciousness, and the environment around you.
If we look at our cosmos and study the celestial bodies, nothing is ‘static.’ Everything is expanding, elements getting created, stars getting destroyed, and everyday galaxies getting discovered!
So, when our Universe is always in a dynamic motion, why do you want to cut yourself off from this fundamental rhythm of life?
However, in this day and age of getting everything done via a ‘click’ or ‘touch,’ sometimes it’s not that simple for this generation to switch from a ‘comfortable life’ to an ‘active one’ which requires physical movements.
Learn to take the right step and make your best decisions
If you find yourself in this position of dilemma which involves “why take the stairs when the delivery guy can drop my necessities at the doorstep?” – you can take the help of a magical tool called Hypnosis.
This tool has extraordinary magical powers in turning the switch in you that could make you an ‘active individual.’ Hypnosis will help you understand the basic idea of how simple movements can unwind the struggles of your daily life.
When you are too clogged in your mind with thoughts, stress, work pressure, and personal difficulties, Hypnosis will guide you on how bliss can be reached through basic body movements. For instance, the easiest activity of ‘arm curls’ can literally give your brain a rejuvenating break from frustration, depression, or anxiety.
If you cannot focus on positivity, affirmations, or creative endeavors, you will see how taking an evening stroll breaks the barriers that were holding your mind all this while. Hypnosis will show you exactly how this magic takes place by unlocking your consciousness. According to your journey, life choices, and your inner state, Hypnosis will suggest some basic coordinated movements that are specific to your thriving success.
With Hypnosis, you will be able to see clearly how ‘basic movements’ of your body are acting as ‘magic wands’ in your life that are unraveling the phases of creative limbo or internal numbness.
You will not receive any strict routine, workout discipline, or training methods from a session of Hypnosis. The benefit that you will receive is the knowledge of how your idle life is holding you back from reaching your goals. Now, if you know what’s wrong with you and if the wrongdoing can be rectified just by walking, running, or jogging, why not do the bare minimum? Moreover, all these activities will neither cost you much nor will they throw you into a gym of bodybuilders.
So, start moving your body today to get in sync with the lively rhythm of our Universe that encapsulates the phrase “expansion in motion.”
Life presents many choices, the choices we make determine our future. – Catherine Pulsifer
If you know that your body needs movement and your mind needs lightness, however, you are finding it difficult to get yourself motivated -
Book a free HOW TO LEAD A FULLER AND LIGHTER LIFE STRATEGY SESSION so we can get you moving in the right direction. Just click on my calendar LINK and let’s book a time together so you can get started today!
Upcoming Events
Soothe Your Soul Meditation Thursday, Jun 29, 2023 | 7–8pm ET
Sainoor is offering free ‘Soothe your Soul ’ meditation on the last Thursday of each month.
When: Last Thursday of each month ➡️ next one: Thursday, Jun 29th Time: 7 – 8 pm EST Where: Online, via Zoom
The session format will be:
- 10 min. discussion at the beginning
- 30 min. guided meditation
- allotted time for discussion and sharing at the end
To be part of this peaceful evening and save your spot, please register using this link. Or, you are welcome to email Sainoor by replying to this email and she will add you to the list...

Sainoor Premji B.Sc, M.Sc (Holistic Nutrition), RNCP, MHt, Master Hypnotist, Akashic Reader, Holistic Nutritionist, Montessori School Teacher.
An expert in mind-body-spirit connection, Sainoor has travelled widely on her journey through life- the feedback she received most often from her clients is how wonderful it feels to be free of fear, doubts, and yo-yo dieting; how they now live their lives with hope and lightness.
“Thank you for the wisdom and guidance. Sometimes we need words from a stranger to show us what we didn’t want to see ourselves.”- T.C.
“This was a life-changing session. I feel a sense of calm I have never felt before! Thank you for helping me to release the demon of fear!”- E.A.