This picture was taken in Florida, where a friend and I went after finishing university. Wow! It feels like forever ago now...Where did the time go? It got me wondering about the passage of time and how we use it...
It’s High Time You Watch Your Time!
When the world is spinning twenty-four-seven, you know nothing will come again.
In the world that we live in, there is practically no today, no tomorrow – but only yesterday!
Each and every moment that we live through, all the feelings that we experience, the euphony of emotions that we undergo, at all the seconds are just vanishing; becoming our past and just like that, even now, without realizing, we move on to the next second, the next moment, the next nexus of emotions and feelings.
So, our present is consistently and continuously becoming our past, and so is our future, the moment we experience it existentially.
If we look at it from the perspective of mortals, this is the fundamental concept of time. And as we walk through our different timelines on this planet, night-by-night, sleep-by-sleep, morning-by-morning – we all age, and comes a day when we become yesterday!
Now, why take a metaphysical turn to time?
The simple point is – if everything that we go through in our lives, at all the moments, is essentially our eluding past, then why being in a mental limbo, hanging on to our past, living among the emotional ruins, feeling left behind, or being stuck with what we have is frowned upon and complained about from all spheres of life?
Why is contentedness not cherished, but hunger is always encouraged in today’s world?
Here come the two sides of the same coin called ‘life!’
Life is not about where you are in terms of others but what your position is in relation to where you are currently in your life.
Without confusing you further, let’s look at it simply –
You are where you are in your life because of your own choices, decisions, dreams, wants, and needs. Now, whether your master plan worked out to your imagination of enjoying sunsets with a cup full of happiness is a different thought, but if it’s not happening, the responsibility falls squarely on your shoulders.
Perhaps we followed someone else’s footsteps and found ourselves lost in the middle; perhaps our relationships have not turned out the way we intended them to; perhaps we have too much self-doubt, and with each passing day, our personal milestones are going another mile away!
We first need to accept this and then conceive the next thought.
Until and unless we accept that what we want in life has brought us here, we will never realize who we actually are. And we all know there-in lies the key to knowing our true desires and doubts.
The moment we start accepting our reality, we can evaluate the pros and cons of our situation completely neutrally. Then, we start to attain a clear vision of our objectives, which we want to achieve moving forward from the current stages of our individual lives.
Life has never been about absolute conditions like winning or losing; to the contrary, it has always embraced abstractness, uncertainty, and fluidity.
If we analyze all three aspects, we will realize life can be beautiful in our own ways if we tune ourselves to its rhythm, which is nothing but relative – for each of us, the definition is different, the chords are unique, and that’s how it should always be.
There is no comparison in life, as a river never judges a sea before flowing into it, or a mountain never touches the sky, even though it is gold in the sunlight—similarly, all humans have different harmonies and melodies, which we need to discover to jam with the true music of life!
Now, coming to the flipside of the coin with a real example
The mountains have different weather, and the seaside has different temperatures, just like the deserts and forests. Rivers flow differently through different seasons, and flowers bloom depending on the place and the gardener’s care.
All industries and jobs have different work ethics, and similarly, every relationship comes with its own highs and lows.
No matter how you view life, either from the rear view mirror of a philosopher or the side mirrors of a materialistic traveler, where objects are always closer than in reality – our daily circumstances might be contrasting, yet they happen with an underlying flavor of consistency.
Professional lives might vary from individual to individual, but the overall corporate struggles are more or less the same; the mountains and sea sides might have fluctuating weather, but the climate of the region has a consistency (strictly speaking in the scorching heat of global warming!); people might look different and behave differently from different countries but our fears, insecurities, and carefreeness all border broadly on the same reasons of love, hate, and fantasy.
So, if there is no discipline, consistency, or acceptance in your life of your present reality, you will never realize where you want to go tomorrow or who you want to be identified as! There will always be a tug-of-war between your past experiences and your present circumstances, and ultimately, you will feel lost or left behind, just like a miner in a coal mine who has forgotten his lantern.
If you want to free yourself from your past baggage, you must be absolutely sure of what you want from your future. If your mental space is free of all the emotional clutter, you need to think about what fresh and new things you want to incorporate into your life.
If you think you are too comfortable in the current phase of your life, you need not bother about your peers’ promotions, your best friend’s happy married life, or how your close acquaintances are always flying from one continent to another.
When you are yourself and start prioritizing your schedule according to your hopes, wishes, and necessities, you do not need anyone to set your routine on your behalf.
So, living in the past is not an option only if you decide to keep celebrating the ruins while overlooking the vast green pastures in your life, that are waiting to be discovered.
These realizations have nothing to do with spirituality or attaining your ‘higher self.’ The simple way lies in knowing yourself better by looking at your problems from an outsider's perspective. The more care you direct towards your inward, the more sorted your external world will be.
And this trick is not some hidden secret from Houdini’s long-lost book!
There are a million practical ways to connect with yourself at an honest level, and if you are finding it difficult to unlock this secret, Hypnosis can be your all-weather friend and philosopher.
Hypnosis can help you nurture your nature.
By nature, it does not just mean your inner traits; on the other hand, it involves an inclusive approach to your surroundings, societal connections, and how you define yourself within them.
It’s not a magical solution but a practical tool to simply understand what truly matters to you – be it the relationships you need, the career you want, or the personal bucket list you have!
With Hypnosis, you can realize how influential you are when it comes to living your life on your own terms. Again, this is not done with the help of a magical spell but by helping you have a conversation with yourself at your own pace, peacefully and safely.
When you talk to yourself, you start looking at yourself without any shades of comparison with your peers, childhood friends, or societal demands and restraints.
You might be very happy within and just need a little nudge to help you realize how lucky and blessed you are; a small discussion could go a long way to open up numerous avenues; the right decision could be a fine line away from choosing to compromise convincingly than making it sensibly!
You never know if you never try to know yourself,
Hypnosis can be your gentle guide.
If you cannot free your mind from the situations and scenarios you ultimately have no control over, Hypnosis can give you the road-map to steer away to your ‘break-free’ life.
If we know we cannot stop the storm and have already been hurt before, mentally and physically, why would we think about the storm itself when it happens next and not rectify the mistakes that previously took place on our part?
Hypnosis can transform your thoughts with resilience that can help you look beyond the remnants of your past, not by rejecting what you have but by showcasing what you could achieve through acceptance, determination, and unfiltered knowledge about yourself.
Why waste and drain yourself thinking and acting like a person you are not when you can build a puzzle of life with your own pieces and craft it with a cup of happiness at every dawn to dusk?
If time on this planet is not stopping, one must realize it's always moving on. In the worst of times, if we stop looking for the best of times, we will lose our solace and balance in the dichotomy of life and death. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Unlock the secret to a balanced lifestyle! Let’s collaborate to revolutionize your time management and elevate your everyday experience. Chat with us today!
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How to lead a fuller and lighter life Strategy Session
Sainoor Premji B.Sc,
M.Sc (Holistic Nutrition), RNCP, MHt, Master Hypnotist, Akashic Reader, Holistic Nutritionist, Montessori School Teacher.
An expert in mind-body-spirit connection, Sainoor has traveled widely on her journey through life- the feedback she received most often from her clients is how wonderful it feels to be free of fear, doubts, and yo-yo dieting; how they now live their lives with hope and lightness.
A session with Sainoor will open doors you did not know you need healing and as you work with her you will see so many benefits of working with her - Dr. DE - Food Alchemy Network
Sainoor has a real gift for caring and for coaching a person towards positive and compassionate self-care. She has taught me so much about taking good care of myself, being patient and gentle with myself and the result is that I naturally want to live healthier! - J.J.